Meet Teamotions
Our Story
Our Story

Long before Rachel and I were business partners, we were sisters. She’s the oldest, I’m the youngest. She's the shortest, I’m the tallest. (She's the brunette, I'm the blonde.) 😊
Rachel and I are only 3 years apart and assumed typical sibling roles growing up with a middle sister between us. Rachel used to boss me around and I, usually unknowingly, went along with everything she suggested because well, she was my big sister.
Fast forward 25 years, she was still my big sister, but no longer the sister I knew. We were not prepared for what happened nor even aware that such a tragedy could strike our family.
In 2008 her babies died. Ellie lived for 7 days and Aubrey lived for 13 days. When her twin daughters died she died along with them. Not in body, but in spirit. I watched my strong, intelligent, outgoing sister become scared, sad, and a shell of herself. Her heart was so broken and mine was too.
It’s a strange feeling to look at someone you love who is hurting so badly and not have a clue what to do to help them. Our life together didn’t equip me with the tools I needed to walk alongside her or fix this for her. I needed to be her big sister now but I didn’t know how. We were both blindsided by what happened and found ourselves often sitting in silence together hoping that just being there might offer at least some comfort.
In the months following, I spent as much time with her as I could as she walked the scary, sad, and unknown path of grief. She sought help, scoured the internet, attended grief groups, and read books, but at the end of the day, it just wasn’t enough. We were both feeling the frustration of needing more but not knowing what more was.
As time went on, I noticed that Rachel always had a cup of tea in her hand no matter where she was or what she was doing. If Rachel was there, so was a cup of tea.
One morning, I could tell she was having a particularly hard time, so I wedged myself next to her and her cup of tea in the big brown armchair she often sat in and said, “I wish there was something I could put in your tea to make you feel better.” At that moment we both looked at each other and knew we had to create a tea that could make people feel better!

In the months following, I spent as much time with her as I could as she walked the scary, sad, and unknown path of grief. She sought help, scoured the internet, attended grief groups, and read books, but at the end of the day, it just wasn’t enough. We were both feeling the frustration of needing more but not knowing what more was.
As time went on, I noticed that Rachel always had a cup of tea in her hand no matter where she was or what she was doing. If Rachel was there, so was a cup of tea.
One morning, I could tell she was having a particularly hard time, so I wedged myself next to her and her cup of tea in the big brown armchair she often sat in and said, “I wish there was something I could put in your tea to make you feel better.” At that moment we both looked at each other and knew we had to create a tea that could make people feel better!
But how? What could we add to tea that could help people feel better?
Without hesitation, we began our research. We read books, made phone calls, consulted with doctors, naturopaths, and herbalists. We attended expos to learn as much as we could about the tea industry and launching a business. We quickly discovered that a product like ours didn’t exist. There were teas for tummy aches and sore throats, for sleep and energy, but no teas for emotional needs. There wasn’t a tea that nurtured your mind, body, and soul.
And that is when Teamotions was born. It took us a year and a half to formulate our blends, making sure every ingredient was purposeful, every blend was beautiful, and every sip was therapeutic and delicious.
Our tea blends contain balancing adaptogen herbs and nourishing botanicals making it the first and only line of teas that support emotional well-being.

In 2010, we tested our teas against the competition and won First Place at the North American Tea Championship in the flavored herbal tea category and then in 2011, Teamotions was launched to the public. With Rachel by my side, we exhibited at the Fancy Food Show in San Francisco where we won Best New Product.
Since then, we’ve been fortunate enough to sell over 100,000 tins of tea and bring true wellness to hearts all around the world. Sharing what has helped us bring healing to our own hearts has been an honor, to say the least.
Teamotions teas are the foundation Rachel built her healing on. She still drinks them today and so do I, every day in fact. They have helped both of us take better care of our hearts. We hope our story inspires YOU to use Teamotions teas to take better care of your heart and cultivate emotional well-being with every sip.

Crystal & Rachel Tenpenny
Crystal & Rachel Tenpenny
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