Step 1: Be mindful (Emotional Awareness)
Ask yourself: What do I feel?
Write down all the emotions that feel true to you.
It is important to understand that feelings are not good or bad, right or wrong, they are simply clues about what is really going on in your heart. Give yourself permission to be truthful with yourself. All feelings have value. Don’t judge them. Acknowledge them with honesty and freedom.
Step 2: Be Curious (Emotional Comprehension)
Ask yourself: Why do I feel how I feel?
Read your list of emotions and address why you feel each one. Be mindful of anything that might be triggering your feelings or any patterns you see and make note of it.
Always be curious about why you feel the way you feel. Curiosity is not judgment, it is recognizing that your feelings are for a reason. Identifying an emotion is only helpful if we dig a little deeper to uncover why that feeling is there. Discovering that reason will help you figure out the best course of action to address, express, and accept and/or change how you are feeling.
Step 3: Take Action (Emotional Management)
Ask Yourself: How will I respond to my feelings?
How have I responded in the past? Write down one positive action step for each emotion in your list. The same action step might influence more than one emotion and that is ok. Spend as much time as you need deciding on how to take action. Make a second cup of tea if necessary.